The first International Digital Arts Biennial in Montreal is helping bring North America into a whole new era of art: the digital age.
Just like painting, sculpture, photography, film and video, digital art is now allowing artists to express their views using the technology of their own time.
It was fascinating to interview artists Matthew Biederman and Peter Flemming for the story, as well as Digital Arts Researcher Lynn Hughes.
The piece I'm producing features works by Philomène Longpré, Matthew Biederman, Peter Flemming, Zimoun, Florian Grond, and other artists.
The nationally award-winning "Spotlight" airs on Mountain Lake Journal Extra.
The "digital art" piece premieres Thursday, May 31 at 8:30pm. Repeat airings include Friday at 6am & 12:30pm, Saturday at 7:30pm, and Sunday at 6am & 10:30am.
Photo courtesy of Matthew Biederman, from his piece Event Horizon.